Friday, August 24, 2012

Don't Stop Now

One thing I've heard said about many a atheists is that they love the sweet and bitter taste of irony. In my experience, the longer you are an atheist, the more you love that good ole' taste - aaahh, that taste; the reminder that stupidity appears to go in an endless loop, kicking itself in it's own ass along the way, and sometimes a triumph over it seems just ridiculously unfathomable. So, this is for all of you atheists I see storming the net every day on Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Wordpress, Forums and just in general EVERYFUCKINWHERE.

I see some of you strugglin' sometimes and I want ya to know, it does get better. I know there are some of you that have been hammering away at it for a couple of years and feel like it's just an insane waste of time. It isn't. I see on a daily basis that a lot of you a generation or two behind me, or those who have recently broken the chains of their own indoctrinations, are still dangerously angry (to yourselves and sometimes others), frustrated, and often in tears by your own personal struggles or fights against religion, injustices and senseless tragedies. I'm not going to go on here, but I do want to say a few things to you youngins out there who are doing your part these days.

Keep On Keepin' On

I'm going to give you a few tips to hopefully ease your mind and make things a lot easier on your stress levels.

First of all, it is OKAY to NOT be mad. There is nothing wrong with letting go of the anger you feel towards any religion. It doesn't mean you have lost or given up the fight, as long as you haven't lost or given up the fight. Don't let others egg you into the notion that you just ain't mad enough to be an atheist. That's just outright bullshit. Everyone has their own comfortable place in their head, stay in yours and you will learn the things you need to a lot easier. Sometimes, the only person that can get their message across in those heated moments are those who are known for their calm personalities. Don't let anyone tell you it's a flaw to be the most laid back person in a conversation. When the quiet one speaks, sometimes it echoes endlessly.

Second of all, it is OKAY to be pissed off as a honey badger. Sure it is. Who the hell gets to judge whether or not your level of anger is outrageous or not? There IS some good to being angry. Very often, anger is a driving factor in initiating personal change. It's cool. Be pissed off. And oh boy, is there a lot of shit to be pissed off about. For that reason, for your health, try to be pissed off about a couple things at a time. If you have an argument you want to run into the ground, do it, but don't go juggling every thing from creation to revelation, women's rights and every injustice ever carried out in the name of religion at every turn. In fact, if you take the time to dog away at a few subjects instead of a shitton of them, you might just learn important details that may be lost in a frenzy of wild subject changes.

You are doing fuckin' great I must say. I know you don't understand the impact you are making, but you're doing a lot for the cause by just existing for starters. On top of that, your generation has been given the whole of human knowledge at your fingertips in the internet. The internet gave you a loud speaker to yell at the world with. The internet has given you the power of conversion to reasonable thinking, by sharing your own. Use that shit.